Can you order reprints of your GriotBook? Why sure you can. Just simply contact us for a quote on the quantity that you are seeking. Please note that the minimum ordering limit is 10 GriotBooks. Also, the more GriotBooks that you order, the cheaper the cost will be. If you are wanting to make changes to your GriotBook in anyway, please know that it will cost you to obtain a new ISBN as well as a "new files" fee of $65.00. This fee will cover the cost of resetting the press with the new files as well as the labor that it takes to reformat the files. Keep in mind that this is simple reformatting, but if we have to do a complicated reformatting caused by extreme changes such as photos being added or removed, you may be required to begin an all new order for you GriotBook, at which time we will just retire the current ISBN and issue you a new one for your new GriotBook.