Welcome to My Bio Assistant, your personal guide to help you as you prepare the files for your GriotBook.
Preparing Photos
Let's Get Started
Preparing Files
1. The first step to preparing for your Griotbook is creating an account. Your account is created once you submit your downpayment. If you have not done this yet, please click here to view our prices. If you have completed this step, then continue to step 2.
2. Visit our Payment Center to place your order. Please note that your package selection is not in stone, so if we need to adjust your package down the road we can. For instance, you may need more pages than you anticipated, or you may want to take out some colored pages. These actions and many more will cause a change in the pricing.
3. Check your email for further instructions as well as your Gcode.
4. Get organized here.
5. As the Family Historian, you have access to forms such as beneficiary forms and interview sheets. Visit the Family Historian Center to retrieve these forms.
3. Start gathering your GriotBook contents such as photos, documents, etc. Make sure that you label everything so that you will not be confused later.
4. Prepare and conduct interviews with other family members.
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