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Each GriotBook order comes with a FREE PDF proof for your approval. This pdf proof comes with a water mark unless you are receiving files for an ebook.
What is an eGriotBook?
An "eGriotBook" or "electronic book" is a digital version of your family heirloom book. It can be downloaded to a computer, desktop, laptop or Tablet PC or in some cases, to a PDA device. Different readers may be required depending on the eGriotBook format (LIT, PDF, PRC).
How are eGRiotBooks delivered?
eGriotBooks are delivered via download. Upon purchasing our GriotBook service, you are presented with a link which allows you to download and save your eGriotBook locally on your computer.
Can anyone purchase or have access to my eGriotBook?
Only if they possess the Gstore code. This is a security procedure put in place as an effort to keep your family history safe.
How can I read/open an ebook?
Reading your eGriotBook requires specific software, usually called a "Reader". eGriotBooks come in multiple formats (PDF, LIT, PRC,etc..) each of which requires a specific Reader.
How long does it take you to publish an eGriotBook?
Just like our original GriotBooks, the amount of time that it takes to publish your eGriotBook depends on several factors such as, how fast we receive your files, when you sign off on the final draft eltc.
May I supply my own cover?
Just like our original GriotBooks,
I downloaded my eGriotBook but I get an error message when I try to open it.
A common problem is that some 'interference' or interruption during the download process can cause an eGriotBook file to become corrupted. The only way to solve this problem is to download the eGriotBook again. You can also request that we resend you the email that contains the direct link to your GriotBook.
What is DRM?
DRM is Digital Rights Management. Publishers are required to protect and prevent the illegal distribution of copyrighted material which includes an author's intellectual property.
Do I have to be connected to the Internet to view/open my ebook?
An Internet connection is only required when downloading the eGriotBook for the first time. Once the eGriotBook is downloaded and saved, you do not need an Internet connection to start using your eGriotBook.
Can I view a sample eBook?
Yes. When downloading and installing the Reader, you're usually given the opportunity to download a test ebook to verify the Reader is working correctly.
Which Reader is required to view my eGriotBook?
It depends on the format of your ebook:
LIT format requires the Microsoft Reader
PRC format requires the Palm eReader
PDF format requires the Adobe Reader