What is a Word Document? Word files are commonly used as the format for sending text documents via e-mail because almost every user with a computer can read a Word document by using the Word application.
One of the most popular word processors is Microsoft Word, a processing program that makes your job (and ours) easier. It will check your document for spelling and/or grammar errors for you so that you can correct them, and makes it easier to replace words or phrases through out your document at one time. It's much faster and easier than the old method of using white out, or having to retype the entire document on a typewriter, Yikes!
Mostly all computers come with a Microsoft Word Program installed but if you do not have the program, there are other open source word document processors that you can download such as the one we recommend: Open Office, and oh, by the way...it's FREE!.
We require that all potential contents for your GriotBook be sent to us in a word document or pdf. No handwritten notes are accepted.