Reviewing your files is the one of the most if not THE MOST important step in creating your GriotBook. Looking over your files to catch any mistakes will make your GriotBook error-free and easy to read. Please keep in mind that any errors discovered AFTER you have signed off on your PDF will result in a fee.
This is the final step before signing off on your PDF. Once you have reviewed and approved your PDF, it will be sent to our pre-press as we prepare it for publishing. Because of the preparation time that it takes to set your files, any correction being made at this point will access a reformatting fee, so make sure you review and correct your files. We have some proofreading tips that may help you in catching error that may have been previously missed. Again, remember that this is THE FINAL STEP BEFORE GOING TO PRINT!!!! We are NOT responsible for any errors that were missed prior to you signing CHECK, CHECK AND DOUBLE CHECK!!!